Social media management
Customer service in your social media
Show a strong online presence. Your customers will thank you
Customers expect companies to be on social media and to be able to respond at least as quickly there as via phone and email. A strong online presence means a great opportunity for you to get to know your customers better and get even closer to them a personal treatment.
Your brand is in safe hands
High service and availability in social media relieves your other channels and in many cases can solve simpler support issues at chat level. It is also a competitive advantage that shows that you are a modern and digitized company. With our help, you can be sure of a positive spirit and consistent presence in your social media. We monitor, communicate and moderate the large influx of comments, messages, posts, shares and forums where you appear. With your basic principles and your company culture in mind, we undertake to ensure that your brand radiates the same good service and quality that you stand for. If necessary, we can also help you with planning and advice regarding your outgoing communications, based on your customers’ questions and concerns. Positive and negative. Take control and steers your brand’s communication in the right direction.